The PIC’s representative, Mr. Fonju Bernard, the D.O of Mundemba with Lord Mayors of Ndian Division on the high table
The Office of the Public Independent Conciliator on Wednesday, 4th December 2024, organized a town-hall meeting with Community Stakeholders of Ndian Division in Mundemba, the headquarters of the division. Held on the theme: “Office of the Public Independent Conciliator: Reinforcing Collaboration with Stakeholders for the Improvement of Services Delivery to Users” the meeting was attended by the D.O of Mundemba sub-division, Lord Mayors of the nine local councils that make up the Ndian division, service heads of deconcentrated services, traditional rulers, religious authorities and community stakeholders drawn from various socio-professional associations and groups.
The PIC’s representative, Mr. Fonju Bernard, delivering an opening statement during the Town-Hall Meeting
Speaking during the meeting, the representative of the Public Independent Conciliator (PIC), Mr. Fonju Bernard, said the purpose of the meeting was to strengthen collaboration between the local councils and the population aimed at improving the quality of services delivered to users of council services in particular and citizens as a whole. He went further to call on the population to develop a user-friendly culture with their councils by respecting their obligations towards their councils.
Partial view of a cross section participants present at the Town-Hall Meeting
The participants also received lectures on the missions and complaint procedure of OPIC as well as their rights and responsibilities as users of council services. The exchanges which followed the presentations were characterized by questions asked by participants on some issues of management of their various local councils. The mayors concerned with some of the issues raised provided answers to the satisfaction of the participants.
A traditional ruler asking question during the deliberations
At the close of the meeting, the PIC’s representative made some recommendations to the councils, which include; the putting in place of posters on the council notice board informing users on how to obtain civil status documents, the revival of the sanitary inspection service in councils, just to name a few.