The Representative of the Public Independent Conciliator, Fonju Bernard, the DO of Kumba III Subdivision and Lord Mayor of Kumba III Council singing the National Anthem during the opening cerenmony of the Town-Hall meeting
The Office of the Public Independent Conciliator (OPIC), organized a town-hall meeting in the Kumba III Municipality, held in the council hall on 31st October 2024. The organized under the theme “Office of the Public Independent Conciliator and the Kumba III Council: Putting the Preoccupation and Expectations of Service Users or Citizens at the Center of Local Governance Actions”, was attended by the Divisional Officer (D.O) of Kumba III subdivision, the Mayor of Kumba III Municipality, municipal councillors, traditional rulers, religious leaders, the media and participants made of different and several socio-economic actors.
The Representative of the PIC making an opening statement
During the meeting, the Public Independent Conciliator, represented by the Research Officer No.1 of the Office of the Public Independent Conciliator, Mr. Fonju Bernard, mentioned in his speech that it was important to organize the meeting in order to interact with and sensitize the population of Kumba III municipality on the duties and functioning of the Office of the Public Independent Conciliator. He emphasized on the role of the institution in ensuring that the Regional and Council administrations work to enhance quality services delivery to all citizens who seek various services at their levels. As such, the theme of the meeting demonstrates the ardent desire of the institution to work with frontline community stakeholders of Kumba III municipality to enhance service delivery to users of council services, bearing in mind that the primary goal is to meet the expectations of citizens.
The Mayor of Kumba III Municipality, speaking during the Town-Hall meeting
He further urged participants to play their role and contribute to fostering a user-friendly culture with the council by fulfilling their duties and respecting their obligations towards the council, for the good of the municipality, which will lead to better performance by the local collectivity and peace in the community and municipality as a whole. Participants were also encouraged to take the information received from the meeting to their various relatives and peers, to educate and sensitize them on the missions of the institution.
View of participants present during the Town-Hall meeting
In a bit to engage with participants, there was an interaction between participants and the D.O, the Mayor and the Representative of the PIC. During this exchange, participants expressed their concerns on certain issues like; roads that need to be rehabilitated, poor performance of hygiene and sanitation inspectors, and that a notice board, listing the cost of council services be placed at the council premises, to clarify users and avoid exploitation.
A participant speaking during the Town-Hall meeting
The D.O and Mayor on the other hand cautioned the participants to be responsible and also ensure to fulfill their civic duties towards the council in order to get positive outcomes. After the exchange, both the D.O and the Mayor assured the population that they will look into their concerns and provide possible solutions. Thus, the population and the Council agreed on preoccupations and expectations, which will enhance services and foster development within the municipality.