Swiss Ambassador to Cameroon Briefed on the Office of the Public Independent Conciliator South West Region

Ambassador Martin Strub,  who paid a courtesy  visit to the South-west Regional Assembly on Tuesday June 21 2022,  was briefed on the  Office of the Public Independent Conciliator by the Public Independent Conciliator,  South West Region,  Mme Telelen Dorothy Atabong spouse Motaze.

Speaking during a joint working session at the premises of the Regional Council and chaired by the Vice President of South West Regional Assembly- Chief Dr. Atem Ebako, the Public Independent Conciliator gave an overview of the creation, missions and services of the institution. She explained that the Office works to ensure that the population of the South West Region enjoy quality services from local collectivities namely: the Regional Assembly, the City councils and  thirty-one (31) Local Councils.

The mission statement of the Office, she told the Swiss Ambassador is to ‘ensure that good governance prevails’ which she affirmed is achievable when the  rights and freedoms of citizens are respected. She further emphasized that OPIC’s role is to make sure that in the discharge of their duties, Councils do so in  such way that peace is enhanced within their areas of jurisdiction.

While presenting the complaint procedure, she mentioned that the services of the office which are free,  are  not limited to the indigenes of the South West Region but to all who reside in the region and seek the services of council administrations.

Given that the Office is a young institution, barely 11 months old, she expressed the desire to tap from the Swiss experience on how to deal with diverse opinions and advocated collaboration in the area of capacity building of the personnel of the office.


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At the service of the population, using dialogue and mediation to enhance good governance and meet the expectations of citizens for quality services from the Regional Assembly and the City/Local Councils (Local Collectivities).

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